Parks and programming
Bellevue's parks are one of the city's greatest prides. With such amazing parks such as Kelsey Creek Farm, Robinswood, Bridle Trails, and Chism Beach, alongside tracks of beautiful, untouched, wetlands and forests, it is no wonder that Bellevue earned the nickname "a city in a park". As such a core feature of Bellevue's identity and recognizability, City Council must work to ensure that with the rise of mid and high rise buildings across town, every person in Bellevue has the same level of access to park land.
The amount of parks in Bellevue has long made it so that nearly everyone could simply walk to an amazing park. The large, new, developments along Bel-Red (especially near Trader Joe's) and NE 8th (especially near 120th near Home Depot and the car dealerships), are threatening this fact. Without near immediate action by city council, large sections of Bellevue risk becoming overdeveloped, full of concrete, with a major lack of public open spaces and greenery. With such a high cost of living, everyone should have access to what makes Bellevue Bellevue. With any and all development, Johan will work to ensure that everyone in Bellevue has access to safe, walkable, and beautiful, parks, and will work to keep Bellevue's pride in being a "city in a park". If elected, Johan will work to set aside land for both natural areas and parks to achieve these goals, and allow for Bellevue to continue to be the eminently green city that it is.